El Rey del Pulpo > Octopus Recipes > Baked Dishes > Stuffed potatoes with octopus recipe

One of the most popular accompaniments for octopus are potatoes. But what if we use potatoes as the main ingredient? The result is an delicious and delicate dish. Dare to prepare this recipe of stuffed potatoes with octopus and cream cheese recipe.

  • To share: 4 people
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Time: 90min
  • Ideal for: Main dish
  • Calories: 410Kcal/100g



Ingredients for four people:

1 tray of cooked octopus from >el Rey del Pulpo
4 medium potatoes, similar size
1 leek
125 g of cream cheese
Grated cheese for gratin
Salt and black pepper
Virgin Olive Oil


  • Preheat the oven to 200ºC. Use the top/bottom heat option. 
  • Wash the potatoes well, add salt and wrap them in aluminum foil, they should be well closed.
  • Place them on a baking tray and let them bake from 45 minutes to 1 hour. To check if they are tender, it is best to prick them with a toothpick or a knife.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the stuffing. To do this, cut the leek into brunoise (very small dices) and poach it in a frying pan with a little bit of EVOO over low heat.
  • After a few minutes, when the leek is golden brown, add the octopus cut into small cubes and cook for a couple of minutes.
  • Put the fried leek and the octopus in a bowl and add the cream cheese along with some freshly ground black pepper, salt and mix well.
  • When the potatoes are ready, remove the aluminum foil, cut them in half and let them cool a little to be able to work with them.
  • Empty a little of each potato with the help of a tablespoon. The potato remains that you remove, add them to the bowl where you have the stuffing.
  • Mix the filling by mashing it with a fork to break up the potato. Taste and add salt if it is necessary. 
  • Fill the potatoes with a little of the mixture and place them on a baking tray.
  • Sprinkle grated cheese on top and put the tray in the oven previously heated at 200ºC.
  • Let it gratinate for about 10 minutes and serve immediately with some fresh finely chopped parsley.


If you need to save time, you can cook the potatoes in a pot or in a microwave instead of baking them. Cook them in salted water until they are tender, approximately 30 minutes (to check that they are done, it is best to use a toothpick). They should not be overcooked to prevent them from falling apart.

Eat them when they are freshly made, as this is the best way to enjoy them. You can prepare the stuffed potatoes recipe the day before by putting them aside in the refrigerator, without the last baking (gratin).

Serve them with a salad as a side dish. A light salad of lettuce, tomato and red onion would be perfect.

Find out more recipes with cooked octopus along with some tips from the best chefs to prepare delicious dishes. For example, tasty octopus bao bun recipe , or healthy and delicious stuffed peppers with octopus and rice.

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