
Nutritional Values and Properties of Octopus Meat

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What makes octopus so healthy?

Here are the nutritional values and properties of octopus.


Unlike other seafood, octopus only has 48 mg of cholesterol, 0.9 g of fat and 86 calories for every 100-gram serving. This is why it’s perfect for diets if prepared using one of the low-calorie recipes we’ve included at the end. Depending on whether it’s raw or cooked, the number of calories will vary. Precooked octopus will always have slightly more calories, as it loses water during cooking. Due to their high water content, all fish and vegetables lose weight and volume during cooking. This process also happens in meats and other foods, although the difference is not as great.

It provides proteins that contain essential amino acids. These amino acids are not synthesized by the body, which is why they must come from food. The proteins from octopus serve to build muscle tissues and are involved in essential physiological functions of the body. There are 19 grams of proteins in 100 grams of octopus.

There are 64 mg of iodine in 100 g of octopus. This mineral regulates the metabolism as it’s necessary for the thyroid gland to function properly. This is why it can be said that it not only regulates energy levels, it also balances cholesterol levels and strengthens the hair, skin and nails.


Here are the nutritional properties of octopus according to the vitamins and minerals that a serving of octopus (approximately 85 g) contains, based on the amount present in comparison with our daily nutritional requirements:

– Vitamin B12: a serving of octopus contains 333% of the recommended daily value for Vitamin B12. It’s obviously more than what’s actually needed, but there’s no cause for concern as any excess is excreted in urine. This vitamin helps in the absorption of iron and the proper functioning of the nervous system.

– Selenium: it contains 64% of the recommended daily value for this mineral. It’s not easy to find in the food we eat every day, and it’s a highly valuable and useful nutrient to delay cell aging and prevent cancer.

– Vitamin B3: a serving of octopus contains 43% of this vitamin, which helps convert carbohydrates into energy and lower cholesterol, improving performance during sports activities.

– Proteins: it contains at least 30% of the recommended daily value for proteins, which is why it’s perfect for training, healing processes and the growth and development of young people. It’s also useful in specific diets for athletes. Discover more about the function of proteins in the body.

– Iron: it also contains 30% of the recommended daily value, which is why frequent consumption of it prevents anemia.

A 100-gram serving of el Rey del Pulpo octopus contains only 86 kcal and 0.9 g of fat, aside from 19 g of protein

– Vitamin B6: it contains 20% of this vitamin that helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates and vitamins, aside from preventing premenstrual syndrome as it balances estrogens.

– Copper: it also contains 20% of this trace element that is not commonly found in food, but is very necessary for red blood cell formation, the functioning of the immune system, and skin and hair pigmentation.

– Vitamin E: it contains 18% of the recommended daily value, which is why it’s useful against cardiovascular disease and is a powerful anti-aging agent.

– Phosphorus, zinc, calcium and magnesium: it contains approximately a quarter of the recommended daily value, which is why octopus is a great ally to keep bones strong.

– Sodium and potassium: the levels found in octopus are perfectly balanced, which is why it helps in remineralization after engaging in sports, maintaining proper muscle condition and the functioning of the nervous system.

– Vitamin A, B5, C and folic acid: although these are found in less amounts in octopus (about 10% of the recommended daily value), these can also be found in other foods eaten daily.

Calcium, zinc, magnesium and other minerals found in octopus are excellent allies for bone health.

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