El Rey del Pulpo > Octopus Recipes > Rice Dishes > Rice with Octopus Recipe
pulpo con arroz

Many people regard octopus as a super food as it possesses an impressive amount of nutrients, and rice isn´t far behind. This recipe is perfect for people on a diet or looking for a different, light dish for their day to day.

  • For sharing: 4 servings
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Time: 30 min
  • Ideal for: Main Dish
  • Calories: 108 Kcal/100g


Ingredients for 4 servings:

2 small packets of el Rey del Pulpo cooked octopus.

Tomato purée.

One clove of garlic.

Laurel leaves.




  • First of all, prepare the octopus. As our product has already been cooked, you will save a lot of cooking time and the octopus will be cooked to the right degree, regardless of whether you have purchased the chilled or frozen format. If you have purchased frozen octopus you will need to submerge the tentacles in water in its bag for 30 minutes in order to thaw it. Put it to one side as it´s still not time to cook it, although this step won´t be necessary if you have purchased chilled octopus.
  • Chop up the onion, garlic and parsley. Place the onion and garlic in a deep frying pan to stir-fry. Add the white wine after 15 minutes and, once the alcohol has disappeared a few minutes later, add the water, paprika, laurel, part of the parsley, the rice and a tablespoon of saffron dessert. Stir the contents now and then to ensure they absorb the flavours in the frying pan and don´t stick.
  • While the rice is cooking, and that won´t take long, place the tentacles in the microwave oven at full power for around two minutes and they will be ready.
  • When the rice is done – you will know because will the water will have totally evaporated – leave it to rest with the lid on for a few minutes to enable it to open up and dry completely.
  • This dish is best served in one bowl per person. Split the content of the frying pan into 4 roughly equal parts. Once this has been done, place one octopus tentacle on top of each bowl. To finish, sprinkle a little shredded parsley over the dish. That´s how easy it is to prepare such a healthy dish as this.
  • All you need to do now is to enjoy it with the rest of the diners!


Octopus is one of the healthiest ingredients you´ll find on the market. It provides all kinds of essential nutrients, which are intensified and enhanced by the presence of rice. Furthermore, this is a recipe that takes no time at all to prepare and one that everyone will enjoy.

Try also our octopus risotto, the Italian treat anyone loves or the octopus in red curry sauce with Jasmin rice.

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