
Octopus in Garlic: A simple and delicious starter

El Rey del Pulpo > Octopus Recipes > Starters Dishes > Octopus in Garlic: A simple and delicious starter
  • For sharing:  2 servings
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Time: 15 min
  • Ideal for: Starter
  • Calories: 315 Kcal/100g



Ingredients for 2 servings:

1 package of precooked chilled or frozen Small Octopus Tentacles 
 el Rey del Pulpo  (0.44 lbs)

4 garlic cloves

1 cayenne pepper

Extra virgin olive oil

Flake salt

Fresh parsley (optional)


  • If you’re using precooked frozen octopus, the first step will be to let it thaw overnight in the refrigerator or leave it to sit in a bowl of cold water for 20-30 minutes. If you’re using el Rey del Pulpo precooked chilled octopus, take the package out of the refrigerator to let it come to room temperature.
  • In a frying pan with a generous splash of extra virgin olive oil, toss in the peeled, thinly sliced garlic together with the cayenne pepper. Sauté on medium heat and stir until the garlic is a nice golden-brown color. It’s enough to give the frying pan a quick shake.
  • Next, remove the octopus from its packaging and cut it into 1 cm thick slices. Add them to the frying pan and sauté for a few minutes so that they absorb all the flavors.


  • To finish, sprinkle some flake salt on top and serve. The best thing you can do is to serve it in the frying pan itself, although you can also plate it if you wish.
  • If you want to add a dash of color to your garlic octopus, sprinkle a bit of minced parsley on top.


Try other octopus recipes and enjoy this healthy meat with the best dishes. We recommend the fried octopus or the Galician-style octopus recipe ideal as a starter or as a light dinner.

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