El Rey del Pulpo cares about the impact of its business on the planet. Behind each el Rey del Pulpo product you put on the table, there is a long history of respecting the environment. So, when you choose el Rey del Pulpo, you’re choosing to become part of that history.
Our octopus comes from small producers. This is how we support the local communities where our products come from and protect the jobs of fishers who have been dedicated to their trade their entire lives.
Our company supports the Marine Stewardship Council, the blue label supporting certified fisheries, and sustainable fishing. We actively support certified octopus fisheries in the areas where we operate.
We work on projects geared toward improving fishing practices in places like Mexico and Mauritania.
Sustainable octopus catching techniques ensure that minimum sizes are respected and that our business does not harm the ecosystem.
Pots and Traps contain bait inside and have a hole the animal comes through. They do not catch animals that are too small or other species. If one does happen to slip through, however, it is released back to sea immediately. In this post you can learn more about artisanal octopus fishing methods.
Before sunrise, dozens of boats have already cast off the coast of Morocco. Fishing with traps is a sustainable ancestral practice still alive in many fishing grounds in this region.
This is where our octopus is caught one by one, in no rush. That gives us the time we need to select the best specimens and reject any from irresponsible fishing conditions.
Documentary Produced Exclusively by Discefa
Our factory also has its own Wastewater Treatment Facility and an Authorized Waste Manager to recycle the waste from our production process.